Middle States Reaccreditation Reflects Positively on Buffalo State

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I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your hard work and dedication during the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) reaccreditation efforts. Your commitment was essential in helping Buffalo State University receive its public notice from MSCHE on June 22, 2023, that our institution has been successfully reaffirmed.

Your involvement in this process demonstrates the importance you place on providing an excellent educational experience for our students. We are proud to have a faculty and staff team that is committed not only to excellence in teaching and service but also to ensuring compliance with established standards for quality assurance processes of higher education institutions across the nation. The successful outcome is a testament to your collective efforts as an institution, which reflects positively on Buffalo State as a whole and on each individual involved with this endeavor.

Thank you again for your unwavering support throughout this process. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will ensure that we continue offering high-quality educational opportunities at Buffalo State University well into the future!

Read the press release

A Charge to Our Esteemed Faculty and Academic Staff for the Upcoming Academic Year

Rockwell tower through the trees

Good morning, colleagues.

There are many issues I could address this morning, but I would like to focus on the one I think is most important to us all as I stand before you at the convening of this first academic meeting, marking the beginning of a new academic year. I promise you we will get to all the other issues as the semester evolves.

I want to express my profound gratitude to each of you. Your dedication, resilience, and commitment to Buffalo State University and its students are what will fuel our institution’s progress toward its ultimate destiny. As we prepare to welcome a new president, it is a time of transition, hope, and opportunity. As the interim president, I am humbled to have been asked by the chancellor to return to Buffalo State and am privileged to serve alongside you. But I stand here today to remind you that the power to transform Buffalo State University does not reside solely within the President’s Office, nor with its occupant. Instead it lies in the collective strength, wisdom, and dedication of the College Council; the College Senate; the administrative, professional, and clerical staff; and the faculty.

The academics of teaching, researching, grant writing, and curriculum development are our core business, and you, the faculty, are both the vanguards and protectors of this academic enterprise. Likewise, our academic staff plays an indispensable role in our institution’s mission. Your work provides crucial support to our faculty and students and is essential to the success of our academic endeavors. You are often the unsung heroes, ensuring the smooth operation of our academic machinery and facilitating the best possible learning experience for our students.

I am excited to share with you the strategic outcomes for my interim presidency. We have three key focus areas: (1) addressing our enrollment challenges, (2) increasing alternative sources of revenue, and (3) improving the campus cultural climate and morale. Each of these objectives requires not only my leadership but also your active involvement and participation. They represent a collective call to action.

First, on the subject of our enrollment challenges, we have the unique opportunity to transition Buffalo State into an engaging hub for students across the region, the state, the nation, and abroad. Our classrooms must become more than just spaces for knowledge transfer; they should also be vibrant environments that spark curiosity, promote exploration, and provide an inclusive and supportive atmosphere. The power of education expands beyond the traditional degree programs, syllabi, and lesson plans. It’s your innovative approach, your passion, your dedication, and your personal touch that will be pivotal in attracting, keeping, and graduating students in a timely fashion.

As faculty members, you play a critical role in not just drawing the “high performers” but also in attracting average, and even marginalized, students. Authentic leadership is about creating an environment that is conducive to learning, welcoming for all prospective students, and supportive of diversity and inclusivity. The quality of education you offer and the nurturing environment you foster in your classrooms are the primary factors that will make Buffalo State an appealing choice and a comfortable academic home for all students.

In this respect, the academic staff is also vital, as you help bring these environments to life, ensuring that our programs are efficiently run and well managed, and that the educational environment is well equipped and conducive to learning. Together, these elements will enable us to address our enrollment challenges and transform Buffalo State into a beacon and destination for eager minds.

Second, as we explore alternative sources of revenue, our aim is to establish Buffalo State University as a wise choice for investment, whether it be through taxpayer dollars, backing from SUNY, or philanthropic support. Moreover, we are looking to attract external businesses and organizations to use our superb facilities, presenting another avenue for generating income. Our innovative research, cutting-edge pedagogy, and dedicated community-engagement initiatives serve as strong selling points. Every research paper we publish, every grant we secure, and every success story from our students not only underline the value of investing in our institution but also illustrate the potential benefits for businesses and organizations. Here, too, our academic staff plays a vital role. Your work in managing our resources, supporting our research, and engaging with our community contributes significantly to the overall value and appeal of our institution. As an anchor institution, and by offering our top-tier facilities for use, we provide a mutually beneficial opportunity, reinforcing the integral role of Buffalo State University in education, research, and community involvement while also supporting the operations and growth of external entities.

While the enhancement of our campus climate and morale is the last strategic goal I’m addressing, it is arguably the most critical to our future success. As faculty and academic staff members, you hold the power to shape our culture. We must prioritize fostering an atmosphere of respect and inclusivity for each other and for our students.

We must also strive to break down the walls between the divisions and collaborate with our colleagues on the other sides of the house who are subject-matter experts in their fields and support your work in Academic Affairs. It’s through this culture that we can truly succeed.

While we strive to achieve all our strategic objectives, let us never forget that a positive and empowering campus climate that values every voice, nurtures every talent, and celebrates every achievement is at the heart of our ability to deliver on our mission. This is not merely a finer point, but rather, it must become a cornerstone of our institution.

As we embark on this new academic year, let us rise together to meet these challenges, embrace our roles as leaders, and commit to achieving our strategic outcomes. I implore each of you to embody the principles of authentic leadership—being true to yourselves, upholding integrity, and leading with both your heart and your mind.

Remember, leadership transcends position or title and is about influence and impact. Your influence as faculty members and academic staff members is considerable and far-reaching. Let’s approach this academic year with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to our strategic outcomes. Together, we can create a Buffalo State University that serves as a beacon of academic excellence, a hub of innovation, and a proud testament to the power of higher education.

So, here’s to a successful academic year and a prosperous future for Buffalo State University and our students. Onward and upward. Cheers!

Thank you.

Interim President Bonita R. Durand, Ph.D.
SUNY Buffalo State University

First-Year Convocation Address

First-Year Convocation


Good morning, esteemed colleagues, distinguished guests, and most importantly, our incoming freshmen, the Buffalo State University Class of 2027!

I am delighted to stand before you today not only as your interim president but, more importantly, as a fellow traveler on this exciting journey of education and self-discovery.

Today marks the beginning of an incredible chapter in your lives, one filled with learning, growth, and transformation.

At Buffalo State University, our commitment is not just to impart knowledge but to ignite a lifelong love for learning. We endeavor to help you reach your full potential, both academically and personally. And we are here to ensure that you leave us better, stronger, and more enlightened than you are today. All we ask of you is commitment—commitment to be academically and socially engaged. In return, we promise to stand by you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way toward achieving your personal goals and professional aspirations.

The transformative power of higher education is tremendous. I urge you to embrace this power. Take full advantage of the opportunities that lie before you. Engage with your faculty, not only within the confines of the classroom but beyond. They are not just educators; they are mentors, guides, and perhaps even your future colleagues. Embrace the wisdom they have to offer, for their insights will shape your perspectives and enrich your understanding of the world.

First, I must speak to the unique opportunity you have as students at Buffalo State. We are privileged to be situated in the heart of the City of Buffalo’s cultural corridor. As the second-largest city in the State of New York, Buffalo is a city brimming with culture, history, and a myriad of opportunities for exploration.

You are not just students; you are also urban adventurers in the vibrant Buffalo Niagara region. Use every opportunity to explore this beautiful city. Learn from its history, engage with its culture, and immerse yourself in the urban landscape. This city is a living, breathing classroom, and you have the rare opportunity to learn from it every day.

Now, let’s talk about being a scholar. It all starts with punctuality. Arriving early to class not only displays respect for your education but also gives you time to prepare your mind for learning. Ensure that you are well rested and well nourished, for a healthy body hosts a receptive mind.

Choose to sit in the front row. This prime location allows for an engaged and focused learning experience. Prior to your first class, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with your syllabus. It is your academic compass, guiding you through the course’s journey. Also, remember to come to class prepared, having completed all necessary readings and assignments.

It’s vital to know your professor’s name and to establish an academic relationship with them. Consider scheduling an introductory meeting during their office hours. Turning in your assignments early is also a habit of successful students. And lastly, find a “study buddy” for each class. This partnership will enhance your learning experience, making it more enjoyable and effective.

Your academic performance is crucial, as it is intrinsically tied to your ability to persist toward graduation, and it affects your ability to access and maintain the scholarships and financial support that help you and your families pay for your education. Let this serve not as an intimidation but as a motivation to strive for excellence. Meet with your academic advisors and success navigators, early and often.

Equally important is your engagement with the vibrant social fabric that is Buffalo State University. Being a good community member begins with looking out for each other. Make new friends, create lifelong relationships, and always travel in groups, especially when exploring off campus. Adhere to the rules and guidelines—they exist to keep you safe and create an environment conducive to learning.

If you’re residing in the residence halls, familiarize yourself with your complex directors and resident assistants. They’re here to guide and support you.

Participate in campus activities outside the classroom. Join our clubs and organizations, run for student government, participate in internships through our Career and Professional Education Center, and support your fellow Bengals at athletic events. These social interactions enrich your university experience and offer a balanced lifestyle that will mold your character, broaden your horizons, and strengthen your leadership abilities.

One of the most crucial lessons you can learn today is that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a hallmark of wisdom. Remember the old saying “Closed mouths don’t get fed.” Do not hesitate to ask for assistance, whether it’s academic guidance or personal support. We are here for you, always.

Now, I am a mother, a grandmother, and even a great-grandmother, and it is from that perspective that I share the following words with you. The opportunities laid before you here are immense. Don’t let them slip through your fingers by simply not adhering to rules. They are in place to ensure a conducive and harmonious environment for all. Remember, discipline is not a barrier but a gateway to success.

Your time at Buffalo State University is a gift, a golden opportunity that countless others can only dream of. Cherish it, respect it, and make the most of it. Don’t be the one who squanders this chance because you couldn’t follow the rules. The choices you make today will echo into your future. Let’s ensure that echo is a thunderous Bengal roar of success and not a whisper of regret.

Remember, your success is our success. Together, we will ensure that your journey at Buffalo State University is not just about earning a degree but also about becoming the best version of yourself.

Again, I welcome you to Buffalo State University! Here’s to an unforgettable journey of growth, learning, and transformation.

Go, Bengals!

Thank you.

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