Michelle Cox

Michelle Cox, Student Representative

Michelle Cox is a junior from Rochester, NY, taking on a chemistry major along with a human biology minor. Her career goals after Buffalo State are to become a medical doctor. Cox is a part of the Muriel A Howard Honors Program, the Educational Opportunity Program, and the SUNY Chancellor's Pre-medical Program. Cox has also served on the United Students Government as both a senator and now the current treasurer.

Cox's goals and vision for Buffalo State is to create both a safe and vulnerable environment for students. As a transfer student, Cox understands the importance of building connections and relationships, as well as the difficulty of putting yourself out there.

Growing up in the church, Cox is very involved. As a youth leader, mentor, and counselor, she is very passionate about her beliefs and connecting the youth around her to understand their beliefs as well. Many look up to her for both guidance and inspiration.

A very important topic for Cox is mental health. As a first-generation college student from a Caribbean background, Cox understands the different aspects of the mental health of those both similar and not similar to herself. Cox is an outgoing person who always wants to make sure the mental well-being of those around her is okay. She wishes one day to open a free mental health clinic to provide access to those who can't afford or do not feel comfortable with reaching out about their mental health.